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We find jobs posted on company websites.

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1,021 people finding hidden jobs


Tired of getting auto-rejections?


"Posted 1 hour ago, over 200 applicants."

Low reply rate for interviews.

Advertised jobs = low quality jobs.

Recruiter fees. Companies prefer direct applicants.

Fake jobs.

Career Hound

Less competition.

High reply rate for interviews.

Jobs that aren't being advertised.

Apply directly to the hiring team.

Real jobs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What job titles/roles do you look for?

Animation/Art, Customer Support, Design, Finance/Accounting, Human Resources, Marketing/Advertising, Product Development, Project Management, Sales, Software Engineering/IT, Technical Writing. If you are looking for something else feel free to make a request under 'Contact Us' below.

What countries are the job postings from?

We find jobs from every company we can find. Mainly job postings written in English. Check out our free preview.

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